
Hello and welcome to my blog. I was inspired to do this by Timm Breyel's excellent SOUTH EAST ASIA DXING site (http://shortwavedxer.blogspot.my) and mine will be a little similar.

Sharing information as a DXer is important and I have found a lot of Timm's QSL information very useful. I am hoping I may be able to help others with some of my QSL info.
What about me then?
Go here to see my story.

My main area of DXing interest is in Longwave/ Mediumwave, but I have been collecting countries on Shortwave as well. I now have 627 verifications from 115 countries on Shortwave and 780 verifications from 73 countries on Long and Mediumwave. I have DXed in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, Jordan, Dubai, Vietnam and Malaysia.

I own an AOR 7030+, which I bought in the late 90s. I had it upgraded to the Plus. My primary receiver now is a WinRadio WR-G33DDC SDR (software defined radio). My antenna is a 4 metre EWE, shaped like a metal staple - 2 x 4m verticals and a 12m horizontal - all one piece of wire.

I have belonged to the NZ Radio DX League as a member since June 1974. I had a brief spell of about 5 years out in the mid 90s when I lived in the UK and belonged to the British DX Club. However, I rejoined and am now the Chief Editor of the NZ DX Times, the club's monthly publication. For information on the DX League, go here.

I would finally pay tribute to my wife, Maureen. DXing is a very selfish hobby in many ways and my wife Maureen is very encouraging of my participation in it. She puts up with a lot when I witter on about hearing this or that, or get excited by receiving a random postcard in the mail.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

An Indonesian Response

From my home location the band is full of stations from Thailand, which don't verify. There are a few Indonesians audible, the best among them being Bukittingi on 1512 and Pelambang on 1287.

Getting a response from the Indonesians is also a challenge. I have tried Pelambang with no luck, I tried Medan on 801 with no luck, but I have had a partial response from Bukittingi. They have sent me an email seeking my home address so that they could send me a letter. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday 24 January 2017

A new logging

FEBC on 7410 has been logged in Cambodian at 1030 UTC. It was a near perfect signal.  The last time I logged and verified them was in 1972. It was my 2nd Shortwave QSL.
Caveat Emptor

This means buyer beware.  I purchased a battery charger from the web. I thought I was getting a good deal as it was less than 100RM. However, my foolishness was soon exposed. Initially it didn't work, then it decided it would work. The third time of use saw it stop and when I touched it, it was very hot. I feared I may have cooked my battery, but no, only the charger. See photo below.

I have since purchased another battery charger from the net paying around 270RM. This one works superbly. 

I was off the airwaves for two weeks with a very flat battery. Lesson learned!

Wednesday 4 January 2017

A verie has arrived

As mentioned in the post below this one, I logged Thunder AM, the AFN station on 1530 in Yongsan South Korea the other night. I had trouble finding an address and in the end I messaged the Facebook page.

A verification arrived today from George A. Smith, Chief Affiliate Relations/Public Affairs Officer/Broadcast Operations, American Forces Network (AFN) Broadcast Center, 23755 Z Street, Riverside, CA 92518. His email address is: george.a.smith32.civ@mail.mil

Monday 2 January 2017

A new logging

For my SDR recording last night I have managed to log Thunder AM 1530 in Korea. This is an American Forces Network station.  I now need to go back over the recording and see what further details I can get. The signal was heard at 25232.

One song was identified - Annie's Song by John Denver and there was an announcement heard in English - the only words I could make out were 'much better'. Later another announcement gave an 800 phone number.

It is a slim hope, but I have verified stations with less detail than that!