
Hello and welcome to my blog. I was inspired to do this by Timm Breyel's excellent SOUTH EAST ASIA DXING site (http://shortwavedxer.blogspot.my) and mine will be a little similar.

Sharing information as a DXer is important and I have found a lot of Timm's QSL information very useful. I am hoping I may be able to help others with some of my QSL info.
What about me then?
Go here to see my story.

My main area of DXing interest is in Longwave/ Mediumwave, but I have been collecting countries on Shortwave as well. I now have 627 verifications from 115 countries on Shortwave and 780 verifications from 73 countries on Long and Mediumwave. I have DXed in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, Jordan, Dubai, Vietnam and Malaysia.

I own an AOR 7030+, which I bought in the late 90s. I had it upgraded to the Plus. My primary receiver now is a WinRadio WR-G33DDC SDR (software defined radio). My antenna is a 4 metre EWE, shaped like a metal staple - 2 x 4m verticals and a 12m horizontal - all one piece of wire.

I have belonged to the NZ Radio DX League as a member since June 1974. I had a brief spell of about 5 years out in the mid 90s when I lived in the UK and belonged to the British DX Club. However, I rejoined and am now the Chief Editor of the NZ DX Times, the club's monthly publication. For information on the DX League, go here.

I would finally pay tribute to my wife, Maureen. DXing is a very selfish hobby in many ways and my wife Maureen is very encouraging of my participation in it. She puts up with a lot when I witter on about hearing this or that, or get excited by receiving a random postcard in the mail.

Monday 19 December 2016

Further Loggings

Thanks to Peter Mott's SDR in Russell, NZ, I can log South American SW stations among many others.

Recent loggings have included: Radio Nacional da Brasil 11780, Radio Bandeirantes 11925, Radio RB2 9725 and Radio 9 de Julho 9820. All were heard at good levels at around 0650 UTC.

In addition I have logged Helleniki Radiophonia (the old Voice of Greece) on 9420. This signal was excellent in every respect.

Emails have been dispatched to all stations, but I am not holding my breath waiting for a reply.

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